“The ease Jamal has in his approach to styling my hair over the years is on par with some of the best stylists I’ve ever worked with.”

~Linda Evangelista


“The way that I cut is more of a feeling for me, my hands tell me what to do.” The Jamal Signature cut is different, “it’s more free form. Open and free is how you cut to get these looks today. Movement is so important today.” Cutting hair dry, he is able to work with a client’s true texture and give them the best possible cut for their individual hair. And a Jamal Cut always looks great growing out for a long period of time. The cut is custom. Custom to the client, their face, their look and their hair.

“Jamal is so talented and I love what he does with my hair.”

~Heather Graham


“Jamal has been cutting my hair for 20 years now. No one does it better. He makes me feel more beautiful and confident under his hands. He’s been Hollywood and New York’s best kept secret-it’s so exciting that he’s opened a salon to share his myriad talents and taste.”

~ Liz Goldwyn

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